Bricscad V16

  1. Bricscad V16
  2. Bricscad V16 Classic
  3. Bricscad V16 Windows 10
  4. Bricscad V16 Pro Download

Now available are the well known Expresstools from AutoCAD for BricsCAD x32 and x64 systems

  • Tool collection for many challenges of daily work.

Download, view and edit natively in BricsCAD, while keeping full track of DWG and XREF history. BricsCAD’s built-in Bricsys 24/7 panel gives you instant access to drawings and ensures you always have the latest version of a tracked file. See who's working on which file. Avoid conflicted files with check-in. Bricsys website.


Here now available the well known Tools from AutoCAD for all BricsCAD User. The Tools were completely re-developed and enables switching languages from German to English by a toggling a setting in the ‘Express’ Menu (see Screenshots).

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Express Tools V21
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Express Tools V16
BricsCAD Pro V16
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June 21, 2012

CAD4FM UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Elsa-Brandström Strasse 3
+49 69 1753 7720

Bricscad V16

Bricscad V16


Word2CAD overcomes the limits and problems associated with OLE placement of Microsoft Word documents into AutoCAD, BricsCAD and IntelliCAD. It draws the document using native geometry so the result is a bound collection of mtext (and table) objects that is linked to the original document, can be plotted without problems and is highly portable to other users.

Bricscad V16 Classic

New Release: We added support for Word Tables (even those including merged rows and columns) as well as inline images (bitmaps). Also numerous refinements to existing tools and faster processing.

Supported Format Options

Bricscad V16 Windows 10

● Bold, Italics & Underline
● Left Indents
● Line Numbering
● Bullets
● Tabs
● Tables
(Merged Rows/Cols)
● Inline Images
  • Automatically updates changed Word documents on drawing open.
  • Uses bookmarks, allowing the area to grow/shrink as you to add/remove paragraphs.
  • Exclusive column wrapping. Users can specify the maximum column height and gap distance. The results will
    flow to the designated height, then move up and to the right to continue until done.
  • Style settings. This allows multiple styles to be defined and chosen during placement. Results automatically
    take on changed style parameters when updated. Style files can be shared and administered.
  • Quickly scan a project folder (or an entire drive) for drawings that need updating, then process them in
    batch, unattended.
  • Runs as true 64bit application in supported CAD engine.

Smart Linking & Updating
When Word2CAD creates the document the drawing, it stores extended data on the insert. Since the date and time of creation (along with the document file name) is stored, it can easily determine when the representation needs updating. So when you reopen your drawing, Word2CAD quickly evaluates the document instances in the drawing and automatically updates only those that have changed!

OLE has it's limitations, Word2CAD doesn't

  • OLE Size is limited to 'a single page'.
  • Plotting problems which OLE appears 'grainy', 'fuzzy', etc.
  • If the drawing is plotted rotated, the OLE does not.
  • OLE Objects can 'bleed through' multiple layouts, showing up in places where they don't belong.
  • Recipients of your drawings on other CAD systems may have problems with the OLE representation.

Interface Choices
Control the application with your choice of command line entry, pulldown menu, traditional toolbars or ribbon interface.

Bricscad V16 Pro Download


Column Wrapping:Long (multi-page) documents are not a problem. With Word2CAD's column wrapping, you can turn on this feature and specify the column height and gap distance. The text will flow to the designated height, then move up and to the right to continue. A dozen page document can be plotted on an E size sheet with ease.
Inline Images:Bitmap images included in the document are placed in the resulting block.
Style Override:Let the clerical personnel use truetype fonts in the document, then use your favorite SHX font as an override in the drawing. Has no effect on the source document.
Set Page Width:The instance in the drawing doesn't have to be 8-1/2 inches wide. You can set the page width to a narrow or wide value. Narrow columns can often allow more information to fit on the sheet.
Table Support:Word tables are placed inline as CAD table objects, including merged rows/columns.


Interface Options:Initiate the tools with your choice of the toolbar, ribbon or with the pull down menu.
Create New Instances:Simply highlight the desired area in your document, then launch our document creation tool. It talks to Word through the ActiveX channel (no clipboard or intermediate files) and then creates the best possible representation of your document.

The resulting geometry is bound into a block insert for easy movement, erasure, etc.

Change Properties:After a document instance has been placed, you can easily change all of the properties.
Update Selection:At any time in an editing session, you can issue this command and choose the instances to update (or simply type ALL). It checks the file dates on the documents, and tells you if an instance doesn't need updating.
Reference Manager:This dialog displays a list of all document references in the drawing and helps you manage them using this information and tools.
Count:Number of references found.
Details:Word file name, range, current file date.
Zoom:Zooms and centers the selected instance on the screen.
Update:Updates the selected instance from the document file.
Delete:Removes the selected instance from the drawing.
Launch Word:Pick a document reference in the drawing and this tool instantly opens Word with the document open. The referenced range is highlighted.
Set Defaults:This dialog controls all the defaults for newly created document references. Includes setting for auto update, overrides, factors and other options.
Annotation Export:Simply window off an array of text or mtext objects in the drawing, and have them immediately placed into a table in the open document.
Attribute Export:Exports block attributes to a table in the currently open document. It sorts the selected blocks based on the Y coordinate for a top-down order appropriate for blocks used to create schedules.
Drawing Export:Simplifies the export of the current drawing to the currently open word document.
Layer Report:Generates a layer report of the current drawing in an open document, including graphical icons.
Point Export:Exports coordinates from nodal and linear geometry to a table in the document.
Table Export:Exports table information from a table object to the currently open document.
Bricscad V16


  • Override truetype fonts with a style name.
  • Manage multiple document references easily.
  • Uses named bookmarks, allows users to add text to linked range.
  • Automatically updates changed documents on drawing open.
Requires: • AutoCAD 2010-2012 (excluding LT)
• AutoCAD 2013-2014 (excluding LT)
• AutoCAD 2015-2017 (excluding LT)
• AutoCAD 2018-2022 (excluding LT)
• BricsCAD v15 Pro Windows
• BricsCAD v16 Pro Windows
• BricsCAD v17 Pro Windows
• BricsCAD v18 Pro Windows
• BricsCAD v19 Pro Windows
• BricsCAD v20 Pro Windows
• BricsCAD v21 Pro Windows
• CMS IntelliCAD 8.3,8.4 Windows
• CMS IntelliCAD 9.x Windows
• CMS IntelliCAD 10.x Windows
MS-Word:• Word 365 (32/64bit)
• Word 2016 (32/64bit)
• Word 2013 (32/64bit)
• Word 2010 (32/64bit)
• Word 2000-2007

Product Support: Email Support Only

Product Eval: Available on Request.
