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Most users ever online was 150,759 on 9/11/14.
grain shipUploaded by: whitetiger
Date Uploaded: 4/20/21
Resolution: 1300x956
Beautiful Lake TekapoUploaded by: melvil
Date Uploaded: 4/17/21
Resolution: 1920x1080
sunset lake TekapoUploaded by: lucille80
Date Uploaded: 3/5/21
Resolution: 1332x850
Purakaunui Waterfall, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 12/19/20
Resolution: 3000x2000
Coal Creek Falls, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 12/5/20
Resolution: 3612x2032
Bikini Model ~ Maria RyabushkinaUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 11/29/20
Resolution: 4000x2250
Bridal Veil Falls, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 11/29/20
Resolution: 3000x2000
Milford Sound New ZealandUploaded by: Vexel78
Date Uploaded: 9/23/20
Resolution: 5120x2880
Sunset in New ZealandUploaded by: lucille80
Date Uploaded: 9/11/20
Resolution: 1440x900
Cape Farewell Arch, New ZealandUploaded by: Vexel78
Date Uploaded: 9/11/20
Resolution: 2560x1600
Downloads: 181
Comments: 17
Favorited: 13
Points: +13
sutherland fallsUploaded by: whitetiger
Date Uploaded: 7/30/20
Resolution: 2254x1498
Lupines LakeUploaded by: gpc111
Date Uploaded: 7/1/20
Resolution: 1920x1096
Purakaunui Falls, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 5/21/20
Resolution: 3000x2000
caveUploaded by: whitetiger
Date Uploaded: 5/1/20
Resolution: 1600x900
waitono caveUploaded by: whitetiger
Date Uploaded: 5/1/20
Resolution: 1422x800
Mount Taranaki, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 4/15/20
Resolution: 3000x1688
Reserved seat in heavenUploaded by: cehenot
Date Uploaded: 3/4/20
Resolution: 3200x2000
Active volcano N.Z.Uploaded by: emma999
Date Uploaded: 1/30/20
Resolution: 1920x1254
Owhoroa Falls, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 7/20/19
Resolution: 3000x2000
Cathedral Cove, New ZealandUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 3/1/19
Resolution: 3000x2000
Sunrise over the WaikatoUploaded by: skyrooknz
Date Uploaded: 11/20/18
Resolution: 3648x2736
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Nz Earthquakes Screen Saver Free

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