Upgrade Vim Mac

  1. Mac Upgrade Vim
  2. Vim Text Editor Mac
  3. Gvim For Mac Os X
  4. Gvim For Mac

Run brew link macvim You now have the latest versions of vim and macvim managed by brew. Run brew update && brew upgrade every once in a while to upgrade them. This includes the installation of the CLI mvim and the mac application (which both point to the same thing). On Mac OS X (and Linux), vi is symlinked to vim (vi improved), a more modern free software version. Vim It is the default editor when changing a crontab. If you gave vi a whirl and don't see the beauty of it, give the nano editor a try. It also ships with Mac OS X.

vim on CentOS 7 is version 7.4 with patches 1-160:

Upgrade Vim MacMac

How to upgrade it to version 8 which is the latest major version?

Update on Oct 23 2018: the repository introduced in the original method is not available any more, you should not follow the method any more.

Check other packages, such as this one https://centos.pkgs.org/7/ghettoforge-plus-x86_64/vim-enhanced-8.0.003-1.gf.el7.x86_64.rpm.html .

Or compile Vim by yourself. Checkout the source code at https://github.com/vim/vim by


git clone https://github.com/vim/vim

and build and install it by

  1. make # to run configure, compile and link
  2. make install # to do installation in /usr/local

You may use this CentOS 7 repository on Fedora Copr for Vim 8 builds.

By these commands on CentOS 7.

Mac Upgrade Vim

Add this repository:

Upgrade Vim to vim 8:

After it is successful, your Vim should be version 8.0 now:

You are here: Guides > Advanced Guides > Flash Upgrade a VIM

This flash update procedure is for upgrading the VIM firmware. Do not use this procedure if your VIM firmware does not meet the Required Software Versions. Please call Mynah Technical Support for assistance.

Once the VIM is flashed to the current firmware version, it cannot be re-flashed to an older version.

Required Software Versions

  • VIMNet Explorer or later

  • One of the following firmwares already installed on the VIM:

    • Modbus TCP, version 3.6.11 or later

    • EtherNet/IP, version 3.3.59 or later

    • Generic EtherNet/IP, verision 4.0 or later

  • Latest firmware file for the VIM driver. Contact Mynah Technical Support with your Site ID for the latest firmware file.


  1. If the VIMs are online, this flash upgrade must be performed when the control system is shut down or in safe mode. Details

  2. Verify VIMNet Explorer version required. Details

  3. Verify that the VIM is in the commissioned state. Details

  4. Verify that VIM's current version is acceptable for this procedure. Details

  5. Click on the button from the VIM Properties Dialog. Details

  6. Select the firmware upgrade file. Details

  7. Verify the VIM is at the version indicated by the firmware file name selected above. Details

  8. Repeat for any additional VIMs in your system.

  9. After all VIMs have been flashed, you can bring the process back online.

Steps to Flash Upgrade the VIM

Vim Text Editor Mac

For VIM functionality changes, MYNAH Technologies will issue firmware upgrade files as required. The new firmware files must be flashed into the VIM.

Gvim For Mac Os X

  1. Confirm that the control system is shut down or in safe mode.

    While a VIM is flashing, all communications through the VIM will be interrupted. It is the user's responsibility to confirm that this does not interfere with the rest of the control system or the process.

    Flashing VIM (Simplex or Redundant) with new firmware will cause all field communications to terminate. Upon flash completion, the VIM will automatically reboot.

    VIM flash must be done with the process in safe mode.

  2. Confirm VIMNet Explorer version.

    VIMNet Explorer must be at the version mentioned in the Required Software Versions section above. The current version number can be found by selecting Help -> About from the menu. The latest version of VIMNet Explorer can be found in the MYNAH Download Center.

    Figure 1 - Help menu in VIMNet Explorer

    Figure 2 - VIMNet Explorer Version

  3. Confirm that the desired VIM is commissioned.

    The VIM to upgrade should appear in the I/O Net section of VIMNet Explorer. The VIM Properties Dialog (below) should contain the MAC address of the VIM.

    In the VIMNet Explorer, right click on the target commissioned VIM object and select Properties. The dialog box below will appear.

    Figure 3 - VIM Properties

  4. Confirm that the VIM is at the correct firmware version.

    The VIM Properties Dialog (above) also has the Version of the currently installed firmware. Verify that this version is greater than or equal to the minimum firmware version in the Required Software Versions section above.

  5. Click on the button from the VIM Properties Dialog.

    From the dialog above, click . A warning message will appear (below).

    Figure 4 - Flash Upgrade Warning

    Click to start the flash process. Note that while flashing the VIM, all communications with DeltaV Controller and field devices are terminated. Browse to select the firmware file. Firmware files have a .HEX extension. Please contact Mynah technical support for the correct file to use.

    Using an incorrect firmware file may render the VIM inoperable.

  6. Select Firmware File

    Select the VIM firmware file to continue the flash upgrade process (below). Please note that the firmware file name may not be the same as shown in the image. Refer to the Overview for the correct file name.

    Figure 5 - Select VIM Firmware File

    Once the file has been selected, a connection is opened to the VIM and the flash file is transfered to the VIM. During the transfer, a progress bar is displayed (below).

    Figure 6 - VIM Firmware Transfer Progress Indicator

  7. Verify new VIM firmware version.

    Upon completion, the VIM will reboot. When the reboot is complete the VIM will have the new firmware version, visible from VIMNet Explorer.

    If the version displayed matches the version indicated in the HEX file, as shown below, then the installation was successful.

    Figure 7 - Verify VIM Firmware Update

    In case of redundant VIMs, both must be flashed separately to the same firmware revision.

Gvim For Mac