Twitter Moments

Create Twitter Moments. When you login to your Twitter, you can create your own Twitter moment. How does Twitter curate Moments? Out of hundreds of millions of Tweets a day, Moments surface the best of what’s happening on Twitter. Through Moments, millions of people can enjoy the power of Twitter—at the center of a protest, the front row at the Oscars, on the field at the World Cup, or from outer space.


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How does Twitter curate Moments?

Out of hundreds of millions of Tweets a day, Moments surface the best of what’s happening on Twitter. Through Moments, millions of people can enjoy the power of Twitter—at the center of a protest, the front row at the Oscars, on the field at the World Cup, or from outer space. What you see on Twitter is what’s happening in the world.

Moments are created in multiple ways. Some Moments, such as those covering sporting events or TV shows, are created algorithmically to reflect the unfolding conversation while the event is happening. Others are prepared manually by our Curation team, following standards and guidelines that are explained in more detail below.

The Curation team

The Curation team’s goal is to find and highlight great Tweets, including text, video, GIFs and live streams, that provide insight and context to the conversations happening right now on Twitter. Curators don’t act as reporters or creators of original work, they organize and present compelling content that already exists on Twitter. This content appears in Moments, explanatory content on Trends, in lists and more.

Our curators are a global, multilingual team looking for the best things happening on Twitter across news, sports, entertainment, and fun. We currently serve 16 markets in five languages (English, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese). Curators receive regular training on accuracy, impartiality, and identifying high-quality content.

Curation policy

Impartiality, accuracy and standards

We aim to uphold high standards of accuracy, impartiality and fairness in our curation.

Moments are intended to feature compelling, original, and diverse content. When selecting Tweets and video for a Moment, we consider the content and media as well as the avatar and username of the poster.

  • Impartiality: We make data-driven decisions when choosing Tweets around controversial topics, seeking Tweets already receiving significant engagement on Twitter. On topics of public debate, we seek to represent a variety of viewpoints whenever feasible. Curators receive ongoing training on impartiality and strive to objectively reflect the conversation as it appears on the platform.

  • Accuracy: Our goal is to highlight quality Tweets that represent accurate information. Our team receives regular training on social media verification practices and most Moments undergo a review process before they are featured.

Lefty moment twitter
  • Corrections: If we become aware that we have highlighted inaccurate information, we will update the Moment with a visible correction and issue an updated Tweet. In rare cases, we may delete the Moment and post a retraction using the relevant country Twitter account.

Twitter Moments Limit

  • Standards: Profanity, violence, nudity and other types of potentially sensitive content are avoided except when it’s necessary to highlight a newsworthy conversation. We will not include content that promotes or depicts illegal conduct. Any Moment that may contain potentially sensitive content will include a warning.

Avoiding conflicts of interest

Our Curation team isn’t responsible for driving revenue, user growth, or managing Twitter’s partner relationships. We feature Tweets and videos, and select Moments topics based on what best serves our audience. These decisions aren’t influenced by advertisers, partners, or Twitter’s business interests.

The Curation team will generally avoid creating Moments that cover our industry, our company, or our competitors. If Twitter, or its competitors, become a significant part of the conversation on the platform (for instance, if the issue becomes a trending topic), our Curation team may curate a factual summary of the conversation, including a response from the company where available.

Selecting Moments topics

Moments highlight remarkable Tweets that are engaging, informative or unique. They should appeal to a broad audience and the content should be appropriate for all parts of the Twitter community.

Some Moments will reflect world and media events, while others will be based on unique “only on Twitter” content. We select Moments topics based on what people are discussing on Twitter. When curating around controversial topics, we look to demonstrably large conversations on Twitter and big news in the region’s mainstream press.

We avoid creating Moments that may invade privacy, encourage illegal activities, or exploit or harm minors. Content that violates the Twitter rules will never be featured. We do not duplicate curated collections or sets of Tweets embedded on third-party websites, or those retweeted from a single Twitter account.

Selecting great Tweets

Moments is about highlighting the smart, witty, and innovative content created by people on Twitter. We will be faithful to individual voices when we include them in Moments, and will not include Tweets in a way that misleads, substantially changes a Tweet’s original context, or includes content from protected accounts. We avoid featuring content created by Twitter employees.

Bruh Moments Twitter


Some Moments created by the Twitter Curation team may include additional text beneath the title or between Tweets, called Annotations. This text is meant to add context to the Moment and may be a summary of a developing situation, historical details, or a translation of a Tweet in the Moment. If Annotations are not sourced from a Tweet in the Moment, they should be easily verifiable or attributed to a source.

Moments created by individuals and Twitter partners

Anyone can curate a Moment, and Twitter may feature those Moments in the Explore tab. We review Moments before featuring them, to ensure they meet our overall curatorial standards.

Some Moments created by Twitter partners may be sponsored by a third party. We do not take these sponsorships into account when selecting content for inclusion in the Explore tab. All Moments, including sponsored partner Moments, must adhere to our overall curatorial standards.

We will always clearly indicate who curated a Moment.

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Twitter Moments


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Twitter Moments are curated stories about what’s happening around the world—powered by Tweets. It’s easy to create your own story with Twitter Moments.

There are three ways to begin creating your own Moment via You can access Moments through the Moments tab, your profile page, or through a Tweet detail. To get started all you need is a title, description, Tweets, and a selected cover image.

Note: Moment creation is only available on It is no longer possible to create a Moment from your Twitter for iOS or Android app.

From the Moments tab:

  1. From the Moments tab, click the Create new Moment button.

  2. Click the Title your Moment field to give your Moment a name.

  3. Click the Add a description field to type in a description for your Moment.

  4. Choose Tweets to add to your Moment:

    1. From the Add Tweets to your Moment section at the bottom of the page, quickly access content to select Tweets from Tweets I’ve liked, Tweets by account, Tweet link, and Tweet search prompts.

    2. To add a Tweet to your Moment, click on the checkmark icon

  5. Click Set cover to choose a cover image from one of your selected Tweets, or to upload an image from your computer. Drag your selected image to set a Mobile preview, click the Next button, then click the Save button. To change your selected image, hover over the cover image and click on Change cover media. After you’ve set your cover media, the source will be credited below the image.

  6. Once you have Tweets in your collection, click on the up or downarrow buttons to the right of a Tweet to move it up or down.

  7. Click on the delete button to remove a Tweet from your Moment.

  8. Click on the crop button next to any of your selected Tweets to make an image selection for mobile viewing.

  9. Click the Finish later button at the top of the page to save a draft.

  10. When you are ready to make your Moment live, click on the Publish button at the top of the page.

From a Tweet:

  1. Click the icon.

  2. Select New Moment to add the Tweet to a new Moment. Any completed Moments or drafts you have in progress will also be listed in the drop-down to choose from.

  3. Follow the directions above to complete your Moment.

From the Moments tab on your profile page:

Twitter Moments

  1. Click on the Moments tab, then click the Create new Moment button to get started.

  2. Follow the directions above to complete your Moment.

More options while creating a Moment:

From the More menu at the top of the page:

  1. Click on ••• More while in draft mode.

  2. Select Choose mobile theme color if you’d like to apply one.

  3. Select Mark that Moment contains sensitive material, if appropriate.

  4. Select Share Moment privately to copy and paste your Moment’s URL to share privately with others. The Moment will only be visible to people who have the URL, it will not be visible on your profile page, or published on Twitter.

  5. Select Unpublish Moment to unpublish a Moment you have previously published.

  6. Select Delete Moment to permanently remove the Moment from your profile and Twitter. You will see a confirmation pop-up message to confirm the deletion.

After you’ve saved your Moment as a draft:

  1. You can click on the Edit button under the Moment description to continue editing your Moment.

  2. Click the Tweet button under the Moment description to share your Moment with your followers. The Tweet compose box will pop up giving you an opportunity to edit or add to the auto-populated Moment title and link in the compose box.

  3. Click on the icon under the Moment description to send your Moment via Direct Message, and to view the copy and embed links to your Moment. As you scroll through your saved or published Moment you will see a menu pop-up on the left hand side to conveniently Edit, Tweet, or Message your Moment.

Access all of your Moments (draft or published) by selecting Moments from your profile icon drop down menu.

When creating a Moment via, you can select Share Moment privately, which will only make the Moment available to those who have the link. If you would like to make previously published or shared Moments visible to only you, select Unpublish Moment.

Yes. Content displayed in a Moment, such as photos, videos, or Tweets can be reported. Learn about the various options for reporting components of a Moment.

What happens if a Tweet I included in my Moment is reported?

If the cover or any of the individual Tweets of your Moment is reported to us and found to be in violation of the Twitter Rules, your account may be locked—even if you did not author the Tweet.

Note: Learn more about Moments and how to find them.

Twitter Moments Page

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