
SteamGridDB Download and share custom video game assets and personalize your gaming library. Multiplatform - runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Capable of supporting multiple image providers - fully supports image downloads from SteamGridDB, but more will be supported as they come online (formerly supported the now defunct Console Grid and providers) Local images - you can set parser up to user your own local images.

03-14-2020, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2020, 07:33 PM by cooperate.)
  • Hello, my fellow Emulation community! Steam ROM Manager or SRM for short is a newly devoloped program that does a great job of importing your ROMs into Steam. You just need to set up your gaming emulated systems and ROMs in SRM and once your set up is complete just run the program. SRM will then find all the roms and emulators that you point the program to and put them into Steam as Non.
  • 使用说明: 1.解压缩 2.运行SteamGridDB+Manager+Setup+0.3.3.exe. 工具介绍: SteamGridDB管理器 一键将PC其它平台的游戏导入Steam库存,该工具名为“SteamGridDB 管理器”,支持将Origin、Uplay、Epic Games、暴雪战网、GoG甚至Discord游戏商城的游戏全部导入Steam库中,这样玩家就能在Steam中启动自己的所有游戏,而且还.
Here is my SteamGridDB metadata extension.
Some notes...
-Supported Types: Covers/Backgrounds/Icons
-While using the background downloader, it is hard coded to fetch the top result on a query to their api for an image based on the criteria you choose in the extension settings.
-You must provide an api key
Future plans
-Proper support for different cover dimensions [complete]
-Hero image support [complete]
-Icon support [complete]
-Manual selection for images when more than one is available [complete]
-Fuzzy Search implementation
-Use app id when available [complete]
-'Style' filter for grid images [complete]
v0.5.0 released
Addressed extension bug preventing launch.
Only one dialog selection for metadata now.
v0.5.1 released
-Download in background should not fail silently anymore.
-Manual download edge cases fixed for null values.
-Hotfix for missing arg on MetaDataFile, was breaking certain media downloads.
-Fallback to fuzzy search if game platform does not exist for background downloads.
-Replace 'Legacy' grid size api enum 660x930
-Add id to extension metadata for Playnite 8.0 compatibility
-Add exceptions for source and gameID for background downloader
-Only download by platform from Steam during background downloader
-Add support for thumbnails in preview window while selecting media

Want to play some old or new emulator games on your couch? Adding them to steam gives you access to the steam overlay, excellent controller management, and even in home and remote streaming. Adding your emulator games manually is a huge pain, but fear not! Introducing Steam ROM Manager, the bulk game importer and artwork manager for Steam!

Rich documentation

Everything you need to know is right there under your nose! It even has a cheeky FAQ for slow learners or lazy people.

Easy to setup and use


You can choose the artwork you like!

Fuzzy (natural) title matching

Can’t seem to find images for your title, but they are certainly on supported websites? Could it be due to some missing or mistypes characters in your title? Fuzzy matching to the rescue! It will match closest title to the list of titles downloaded from SteamGridDB.

  • Multiplatform - runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Capable of supporting multiple image providers - fully supports image downloads from SteamGridDB, but more will be supported as they come online (formerly supported the now defunct Console Grid and providers)
  • Local images - you can set parser up to user your own local images.
  • Exception Manager - Want to rename or exclude a handful of your hundreds of parsed games? SRM has you covered.
  • Presets - a comprehensive list of more than 100 parser presets to handle importing practically all commonly used emulators.
  • Steam Artwork Management - a steam parser/preset that allows you to manage the artwork of existing steam games

Steamgriddb Legit


Steamgriddb Api

  • Thank you doZennn for providing title list for fuzzy matching and an icon, and especially for creating and maintaining SteamGridDB.
  • Thank you HEspoke for building the SRM community in Discord and Steam Groups.
  • Thank you kencinder for managing and adding presets.
  • Thank you klepp0906 for adding thousands of custom variables for Wii U and PS3.