Contact Clearout

Phone Number Validation - Accuracy Guaranteed, GDPR Compliant, Abuse Phone Number Checker, Real-Time API 99.999% Uptime - Free Trial With 100 Credits! 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Suite B-2, 19702, Newark. +1 (302) 4401582. Contact Email Phone Number +718 Clearout is a great way to protect your sender reputation for email marketing. It detects and removes known abuse and spam trap emails, temporary addresses, invalid, syntax errors, toxic and catch-all domains. Clear Out Vacating Services ™ Gold Coast, Queensland 4209. Clear Out Grenades. Aerosol grenades are devices formulated to release their contents in a vapor cloud. Often referred to as Area Treatment Weapons, they are used to fill a space with irritants or inflammatory agents to force people to leave the area. Aerosol Grenades were specifically designed to be used against barricaded subjects in indoor situations where traditional tear gas grenades cannot be used because.


Clearout Email Validator plugin seamlessly integrates with all major forms to validate the email addresses in real-time. The plugin will perform 20+ refined real-time validation checks to determine the current status of the email address. The validation will ensure the email address capture process to –

  • Accept only valid email addresses
  • Accept business/work email address only
  • Prevent all fraudulent signups from temporary/disposable/throw away email addresses
  • Block free email address provider like / /, in case you want to
  • Remind genuine users of their email if there are some typos.

This plugin requires an API token that can be obtained by creating a ‘Server’ App from Apps menu.
– Login into Clearout Account -> Click on ‘Apps’–> Click on ‘+ Create App’–> Choose ‘Server’ -> Provide the required details–>Click on Create and the API token will be generated.

If you are not having a Clearout account, please create an account with 100 FREE email validation credits! No Credit Card Required.

Supported Plugins

The Clearout email checker plugin supports rich set of popular form-based plugins by listening to email address capture flow or by hooking into WordPress is_email() function

  • Fluent Form
  • Elementor Form
  • Contact Form
  • Gravity Forms
  • Mailster Form
  • WooCommerce
  • MailChimp
  • Ninja Forms
  • Formidable forms
  • Profile Builder
  • Ultimate Member registration form
  • Users Ultra registration form
  • JetPack comments and a contact form
  • MailPoet
  • Theme My Login
  • WP-Members
  • Paid Memberships Pro
  • Form Maker by 10Web
  • Visual Form Builder
  • Any WordPress registrations & contact forms

Key Features

  • Fastest Real-time Validation
  • Guaranteed Deliverability (Safe to send)
  • Accurate Email Validation
  • High Precision Advanced Catch-all Resolver
  • Seamless API Integration
  • Anywhere on Any Device
  • Block Disposable Email
  • Support Domain Blacklisting
  • Block Role Email
  • Team Account Feature


Read more about Clearout email verification service


Installation using WordPress dashboard

  1. Select Plugins -> Add New.
  2. Search for “Clearout Email Validator”.
  3. Click on Install Now to install the plugin.
  4. Click on Activate button to activate the plugin.
  5. Get your Clearout API token before start using the plugin.
  6. Configure the plugin settings, including your API key and check/uncheck the role, disposable and Business email validator.

Manual Installation

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/clearout-email-validator directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Get your Clearout API token through here.
  4. Configure the plugin settings, including your API key and switch on or off the valid, disposable and free email validator.


Contact Clear Film

How does this plugin work?

This plugin listens to email address capture flow for all major forms by hooking wordpress is_email() function to verify whether the user typed email address can be accepted or not. Behind the screen, the verification will be carried out using Clearout API and the results will be matched with the appropriate settings allowed by the plugin.

Which Clearout status will be considered as a “valid” email address?

Clearout status other than “invalid” will be considered as “valid” email address and the form submission will be allowed. Also, by default, email address of “disposalble” or “role” will be considered as “invalid”. These setting can changed in the plugin settings.

What version of WordPress is required?

This require minimum WordPress version of 4.6, tested and compatible with the latest version 5.2.1

Why does “Select Forms” have only a few forms listed?

We strive to bring Clearout email validation support to all major wordpress forms, in case if you see your form is not listed let us know ( Alternative, you can try using Clearout JavaScript Widget to bring support of email validation to any form with little or no coding effort

Contact Clear Outlook

What is an API token and where can I get it?

API token is a unique representation of your access to Clearout Email Validation Service.
The API token can be created or obtained by creating a ‘Server’ App from Apps menu.

How to generate an API token?

Once logged in to your Clearout acoount click on ‘Apps’–> Click on ‘+ Create App’–> Choose ‘Server’-> Provide the required details –> Click on Create and the API token will be generated.

What is a credit?


A credit represents the successful validation for a single email address. The trial account comes with 100 FREE credits. Additional credits can be purchased anytime and the credits will never expire.

What happens once the 100 free credits are exhausted?

You need to purchase additional credits. System will notify in advance when you are running out of credits (by default when below 50 credits)

Contact Cloutearn

How secure is my data?

Clearout is fully compliant with the EU’s GDPR. Data is highly secure with us, as we take security and confidentiality seriously. We know that the email lists are confidential and we do everything we can to make sure that they stay that way! Your data is never stored in our system for more than 30 days and if requested it can be removed immediately after processing. Once you finish using our system, all related to your account will be erased in a maximum of 30 days. Also, the information you share with us for payment purposes is encrypted and it is stored in a military grade secure system. We also go out of our way to protect your data and we developed advanced defense mechanisms against misuse, loss, unauthorized access, and improper disclosure. We want to provide the same security that we would want for ourselves. Our customers feel safe knowing that the best email verification service is also the most secure.

How long will it take to validate an email address?


Contact Clear Outside

Clearout has been rewarded to have the fastest TAT(Turnaround Time ). At times some domains might take more time than the expected. But major free domain like are verified in less than a half-a-second (less than 100 milliseconds)

How to buy more credits?

Buying credits in Clearout is breezeful experience by clicking on Buy Credits button on top-right

Do you support form specific custom validation?

Yes, we do support form specific custom validation through Clearout JavaScript Widget, the integration is simple and can be done without need of developer help. Clearout JS widget provides all bells and whistles to customise the email validation as per your need.

Looking for custom integration of this plugin?

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Where can I report bugs?

Send us email to or say “Hello” in chat


Signed up for an account, ready to purchase plan after comparing multiple services. Tested one email address from a well known disposable email service and it returned as valid. The very first test. Emailed support and replied to the automated customer rep, neither replied within 10 days. Glad I didn't commit, if even a simple email is too hard to reply to and a well known temp domain isn't included. Unfortunate ;(

Clearouts is the Mr Price Clothing factory shop. This is definitely a hidden gem as most people would drive past and never think about stopping as it is a bit of a dodgy area (Brickhill Rd, now Sylvester Ntuli Road).


Once you get past the dodgy exterior (tip your car guard) you are rewarded with clean, organised rails of Mr Price clothing at ridiculous prices. This store is a must for any Mr P fan, with most of the clothes being excess stock rather than damaged goods. The catch? Most of the good sizes get snatched up in the proper Mr P stores so the factory shop has limited sizes.

There are gorgeous bikinis, shorts and skirts at super cheap prices to get ready for summer and there is nothing I love more than buying some ‘power-dresses’ for work… These fab dresses below were only R50 and R70.