Clear Ipad Cache Memory

How much space do you have left on your iPhone or iPad? Have you ever looked? Is your iPhone or iPad out of space? Do you know what apps are the guilty ones?

  1. Ipad Memory Check
  2. Can You Upgrade Ipad Memory
  3. Ipad Memory Cleaner
  4. Clear Memory Cache Ipad
  5. Clear Cache And Cookies On Ipad

As time goes on, our devices grow in terms of size to accommodate all the memory-hungry files and data we continually pack into them. Pictures and videos are generally the biggest culprits. But sometimes your device will throw you a curveball. Maybe apps like Pinterest or Facebook are taking the space. Before you go deleting pins or friends, you’ll be surprised to know the reason.

In that case, you will need to clean out your iPad’s memory, unwanted data, and caches to free up storage spaces. In this post, we are going to show you how to clear app cache on iPad with some simple ways. How to Clear Safari Cache on iPad. Some iOS apps allow you to clear app cache. At the very bottom of the dropdown menu, choose 'Clear History.' A box pops up with a choice to clear the last hour, today, today and yesterday, or all history. Choose your time frame and click. You can clear the cache on your iPad from its Safari browser and apps with these steps. If your iPad is acting strangely or you're running out of storage space, you can clear Safari's cache.

In two occasions in less than a week, two members of my family called to say their iPads were almost out of space. They were able to pinpoint Pinterest as one of the guilty apps. That seemed strange to me since Pinterest stores all of your preferences, images, pins, etc. on their website/server so you would never store any of that on your iPhone. I found the reason why.

  • How to Erase or Clear iPad Memory to Speed Up iPad Easily? Preparation: Be sure you have downloaded and installed the best iPad Memory Cleaner software on your computer, and the iPad you need to clear is also connected to PC. 1st Click - Select the Clearing Mode As You Like. After launching the program on your PC, you'll see an interface.
  • Unlock/ Open your iPad and go to Settings. Go to General, then Storage & iCloud Usage. Step 2 Tap on Manage Storage. Step 3 Press on the icon for Facebook and then click on Delete App.

Find out why it’s so full

Before I explain why Pinterest was taking up so much space, determine for yourself why you’re out of space and what you can do to free up additional. Here’s how on iOS:

  • Click on SETTINGS. Then click on GENERAL.
  • Tap on USAGE and wait. This takes some time on some devices. Patiencccce. It’s loading.
  • You’ll see Storage Available and Storage Used
  • Take action (below)

Almost instantly you’ll see images, music and videos are near the top. Videos take up way more space than images by default. So if you can delete any videos, that’s a great start. If they’re backed up to the iCloud and you don’t watch them, just dump them. You’ll have instant space. Images will take longer to remove. But same deal.

The hidden culprit

If you’re like my family members and an app like Pinterest is at the top, it’s because of the cache. A cache is a collection of files that you don’t see or access. The cache remember your habits, links to pages, searches, etc. and they store them so the next time you use the app, things happen faster. It’ll remember you visited a page so it may load it quicker because it has a blueprint already store of that page.

This makes it faster because you’re not asking Pinterest’s server to send you the images, text, etc. for the first time. That takes longer. You may not notice a difference, but when you have a lot going on on that little iPad, speed can start to tank with so many processes running.

Ipad Memory Check

So how much cache data has built up? One family member had 1 GIGABYTE! Think about it, if you have a 16GB iPad, you’ll free up 1/16th of that in seconds. That’s a big deal. For an iPad out of space, this is a savior.

How do I delete the cache?

Can You Upgrade Ipad Memory

The bottom line is, you don’t necessarily need the cache data. It will build again. So if you’re out of space and you need space NOW, there’s a simple trick to deleting the cache data…

Delete the app.

Yes, that’s right. Just press on the Pinterest or the offending app until it starts to shake, then click on the X. It will ask if you want to delete it. Click yes. Then go to the app store and download it again. Go back through the steps above and voila! You just freed up a crapload of space.

Ipad Memory Cleaner

Warning – this isn’t always the case for all apps. Some apps DO save data to your device (some games, utility apps like word processors, etc.) but they generally won’t be one of those at the top of the list because they’re basic, small files. A good way to think about it is that if you have to log into the app and it’s a social site like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, etc. Then chances are it’s the cache that’s the culprit.

Example: If you look at this image of my iPad, you’ll see that videos, music and images are the top apps taking the most space. But look at Google+. 1 GB of space is taken up by that app. Since I log into Google+, most likely this is cache data. So I will delete the app and add it again to free up a gig.

But what about Spotify!? That’s a site I log into to stream music. Yes. But what about when you are offline and want to listen to music? Spotify has an option to take music ‘offline’ so you don’t need a signal to listen. Well, what it’s doing is DOWNLOADING the tune to my iPad so it’s accessible all the time.

Clear Ipad Cache Memory

But if I cancel Spotify’s subscription, the program is smart and just removes the music automatically from my iPad. If I were to delete the app and re-add it, I would lose the songs I took ‘offline’. But I could easily just have them added again.

Clear Memory Cache Ipad

How to clear ipad cache memory

When in doubt, go to your iCloud in settings and go to backups and click Back Up Now to save before you try it. You can always load a backup.

Clear Cache And Cookies On Ipad

But clearing the cache on memory-hungry apps will fix the iPad out of space problem and get you back to surfing in now time. Good luck!